#017: My most popular posts 2022

Review of my blog performance so far

Daniel Schmitter
2 min readFeb 19, 2023
Photo by Catheryn Laverin on Unsplash

I have been silent recently as I have been busy working on my other blog Guide to Product Management: Another topic I am passionate about.

Yet, I have no intention to stop writing about Personal Exponential Growth as I’ve got very encouraging feedback about it and have a long backlog of topics to write about.

But first, I want to share the list of my most popular posts of 2022.

A few interesting things I observed when analyzing the list:

  • Even though I post the same articles on Substack as well as on Medium the order of popularity of the posts is different. I assume this is related to how the stats are measured on both platforms as well as the different algorithms that promote my content.
  • The order of popularity does not reflect how I would rank my posts myself. I guess the reason is that views and reads of posts heavily depend on the title, headline and header image whereas the way I’d rank them is purely content-based.

So here’s the list:

  1. #006: Selling Your Time for Money is a Bad Deal
  2. #001: Invest Like Venture Capitalists (Part 1/4): A Financial Home Run is Part of a Strategy and not Luck.
  3. #007: Know Your Savings Rate or You’ll Regret It
  4. #013: Investing Through Industry Insights
  5. #002: Invest Like Venture Capitalists (Part 2/4): Why Crypto Should Be Part of Your Portfolio — Even If You Are Not a Fan of it.
  6. #003: Invest Like Venture Capitalists (Part 3/4): Quantifying worst, modest, and best case scenarios
  7. #005: The Naked Truth About Your Net Worth
  8. #009: Personal Financial Planning and Investing
  9. #004: Invest Like Venture Capitalists (Part 4/4): How to select individual (Crypto) investments?
  10. #016: The Secret To Growth Is Discipline
  11. #008: Maximize Satisfaction over a Lifetime
  12. #015: If You Stop Learning You Stop Growing
  13. #011: Tools I Use To Invest In The Stock Market
  14. #014: The Difference Between Value and Price
  15. #012: Tax-deductible pension-fund contributions
  16. #010: Define and Track Your Personal Progress

Key takeaways

  1. Ranking your posts according to popularity depends on how you measure popularity.
  2. Title, header and image heavily influence the popularity of a post.
  3. Your own ranking as a writer might not reflect how people rank your posts.

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  • Subscribe to my newsletter here or follow me on Medium and get actionable tips on personal and financial growth.
  • Email me at danielschmitter@substack.com to provide suggestions about blog topics.
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Daniel Schmitter
Daniel Schmitter

Written by Daniel Schmitter

Daniel is an entrepreneur with a great passion for building products and personal growth. He writes about "Product Management" and "Personal Growth".

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