#017: My most popular posts 2022
Review of my blog performance so far
I have been silent recently as I have been busy working on my other blog Guide to Product Management: Another topic I am passionate about.
Yet, I have no intention to stop writing about Personal Exponential Growth as I’ve got very encouraging feedback about it and have a long backlog of topics to write about.
But first, I want to share the list of my most popular posts of 2022.
A few interesting things I observed when analyzing the list:
- Even though I post the same articles on Substack as well as on Medium the order of popularity of the posts is different. I assume this is related to how the stats are measured on both platforms as well as the different algorithms that promote my content.
- The order of popularity does not reflect how I would rank my posts myself. I guess the reason is that views and reads of posts heavily depend on the title, headline and header image whereas the way I’d rank them is purely content-based.
So here’s the list:
- #006: Selling Your Time for Money is a Bad Deal
- #001: Invest Like Venture Capitalists (Part 1/4): A Financial Home Run is Part of a Strategy and not Luck.
- #007: Know Your Savings Rate or You’ll Regret It
- #013: Investing Through Industry Insights
- #002: Invest Like Venture Capitalists (Part 2/4): Why Crypto Should Be Part of Your Portfolio — Even If You Are Not a Fan of it.
- #003: Invest Like Venture Capitalists (Part 3/4): Quantifying worst, modest, and best case scenarios
- #005: The Naked Truth About Your Net Worth
- #009: Personal Financial Planning and Investing
- #004: Invest Like Venture Capitalists (Part 4/4): How to select individual (Crypto) investments?
- #016: The Secret To Growth Is Discipline
- #008: Maximize Satisfaction over a Lifetime
- #015: If You Stop Learning You Stop Growing
- #011: Tools I Use To Invest In The Stock Market
- #014: The Difference Between Value and Price
- #012: Tax-deductible pension-fund contributions
- #010: Define and Track Your Personal Progress
Key takeaways
- Ranking your posts according to popularity depends on how you measure popularity.
- Title, header and image heavily influence the popularity of a post.
- Your own ranking as a writer might not reflect how people rank your posts.
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